DrinkLyte Blog
Read about the science behind hangovers, party stories, healthy cocktail recipes, and all things rehydration
National Margarita Day Recipes so Good they're Hangover-Worthy
Today is not only Tuesday, but National Margarita Day, and who couldn’t use a margarita on a Tuesday?? As one of the most popular national food an... -
Pop off Your New Year's with a Bottle of Champagne (at any Budget)!
New Year's Eve is one of the best (and most popular) holidays for drinking. With all of the parties and events to bring us into a new year, we wa... -
Traveling this Holiday Season? Stay Hydrated with these Top Tips
As much as we love holidays filled with our crazy families and binge eating food, those of us who have to travel often dread the long hours of be... -
Safe Drinking on Halloween: What to Look Out For
From kids in crazy costumes getting hyped up on pillowcases of candy to adults indulging in cocktails, Halloween is a holiday to celebrate tradit... -
Celebrities that are Behind Some of our Favorite Alcohol Brands
From makeup bags to designer clothes, today’s society has an obsession with any social media trend. Celebrities use these trends to often develop... -
7 Adult Summer Activities You Don't Want to Miss
As we creep into August, it feels as though summer just started. With time flying by, kids going back to school, and more people on the road, adult... -
The Type of Alcohol you Drink is Partially to Blame for Your Hangover
Some blame the sugar in fancy cocktails; others blame the bubbles in the champagne. More often than not, many blame it on tequila for our forgotte...